Remington 742 Serial Numbers Date
Remington 742 Serial Numbers Date Average ratng: 3,5/5 7900 reviews
According to 'The Blue Book of Gun Values', 19th addition the Remington Woosmaster 742 was produced between 1960 and 1980. Calibers produced were 6mm Rem.,.243 Rem.,.280 Rem. (marked 7mm Express 1979-1980),.30-06, or.308 Win. Barrel, open sights, 4 shot box magazine, gas operated, checkered pistol grip stock. Condition & value. 100% 98% 95% 90% 80% 70% 60% $325 $290 $275 $250 $235 $$210 $185 These prices are from the 2004 edition of 'The Blue Book of Gun Values' The year of manufacturer is a little tricky as Remington used code letters for the year and numbers for the month.
What year is a remington woodsmaster model 742 serial #B6938941 made in and about how much is it worth? - Answered by a verified Firearms Expert.
Starting in 1921, M was used for the year. The letters O,Q & V were not used and ended with Z in 1931.
In 1932 Remington started using the alphabet over again starting with the letter A. The letter I was ommited and L was the last letter used in 1942. IN 1943 mm was used and went thru 1953 with ZZ. OO, QQ VV were omitted.
Sistem Informasi KKN Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) Singaraja. Pelaksanaan program kerja ini diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa KKN Baler Bale Agung dengan turut melibatkan kepala sekolah, guru-guru, dan siswa kelas I s/d VI. Program kerja kkn undiksha.
In 1954 A was the starting point for reuse of the alphabet and went thru Z in 1975. I, O, Q,& V were not used again. In 1976 I was used. In 1977 O was used. In 1978 Q was used.
In 1979 V was used. In 1980 Remington started over with the alhabet.
The month of manufacturer code coresponds to the numeral underneath the letters in Blackpowderx. B L A C K P O W D E R X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 With the reuse of the alphabet it can be a little cofusing determining the year of manufacturer.
I was unable to locate any information pertaining to sequential numbers after Remingtons use of their coding system as to haw may guns were made each year. I am still looking for this information. Here this listing of serial #'s fir the Remington Woodsmaster 742 Serial Number Blocks: 1951-1967 1,000-541,000 1968-1975 6,900,000-7,499,999 1975-1978 A6,900,000-A7,499,999 1978-1981 B6,900,000-B7,499,999 Just Find where you number falls in line with. I assume that you're talking about a Remington Sportsman 78 bolt action rifle.
Brand new, these sold for under $400 (I think I only paid around $325 for mine back in the 1990's). They are virtually a Remington Model 700 with a cheaper finish and wood. They shoot just as well and are built just as ruggedly as the 700. You might think of them as an 'economy grade' Remington 700.
With no scope or accessories and in decent shape, I would assume that you could still get $350 for one. If it is in rough shape, plan on closer to $300.
Remington 742 Value? What Condition?. Most modern guns are graded by percentage of original condition.
100%= Bluing is intact and not mottled on both the barrel and receiver, wood of the stock and forend is not scratched or nicked and the finish is uniform and original. Other than factory test firing, the gun was never fired. Generally, new in the box (NIB), if the weapon came in one. 98%= Usually applies to double action revolvers where there is a slight but evident 'drag' line on the cylinder from the gun being dry fired (the hammer cocked, allowing the cylinder to be rotated repeatedly) even though it was never loaded and fired.