Python Serial Readline Example

Python Serial Readline Example Average ratng: 4,8/5 9502 reviews

I would like to read from the USB serial port from time to time in a loop. I can open the port and read data with: import serial ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600) while 1: ser.readline() An Arduino Uno is connected to the USB port of the RPi. The Arduino acts as a sensor and it will constantly produce readings.

I need some help in adding timing features to the above code. I want to open the port and read from it for a certain period of time. After that period of time, the port closes and the received data will be analysed. After a pause of several minutes, the port will reopen and the RPi will read data from it again. This continues in a loop. Any help is much appreciated. All you would need to add, aside from closing the port when you're done;), is import time and then use: import serial, time ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600) while 1: serial_line = ser.readline() print(serial_line) # If using Python 2.x use: print serial_line # Do some other work on the data time.sleep(300) # sleep 5 minutes # Loop restarts once the sleep is finished ser.close() # Only executes once the loop exits I don't know if pySerial is buffered (data sent while sleeping is stored or simply dropped), but I usually prefer to use a generator, if you don't explicitly need to wait.


Welcome to pySerial’s. This module encapsulates the access for the serial port. It provides backends for Python running on Windows. Readline; Testing ports. Mar 03, 2018  pySerial.readline() help Hello, I am writing a Python v3.6.0 program on a Windows PC that takes an input from the Serial port and then parses the input, and replies on the Serial port based on the input.

They seem a bit more flexible (in my opinion): def serial_data(port, baudrate) ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate) while True: yield ser.readline() ser.close() for line in serial_data('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600): [.transform data.] You might also be able to use the with syntax instead of the while, but I'm not too sure how that'd work with pySerial. I was just editing my comment to clarify, but locked after 5 minutes:/ The ser.close() never runs until the while loop is done (which doesn't really ever occur since it's while 1/ while true), so the serial port isn't actually closed between readline() calls. Get link Since simply having a pySerial port open isn't blocking, that shouldn't be an issue. If the while loop only ran x number of times, and then you wanted to work on that the port again, just leave the port open until done (move ser.close() after all code that interacts with the port). – Apr 30 '14 at 19:01 •.

I would like to read from the USB serial port from time to time in a loop. I can open the port and read data with: import serial ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600) while 1: ser.readline() An Arduino Uno is connected to the USB port of the RPi. The Arduino acts as a sensor and it will constantly produce readings. I need some help in adding timing features to the above code. I want to open the port and read from it for a certain period of time.