File Download Program In Abap

File Download Program In Abap Average ratng: 3,1/5 9502 reviews

How to create or write to a file. Use ABAP statements OPEN. DOWNLOAD and WS_DOWNLOAD. It is not possible to use OLE or DOI in a program.

Table of Contents • • • • • Create the SAP Mass ABAP Download Program Here the different step to create a new SAP ABAP Report to perform Mass Download of ABAP codes with different criteria. ( Make sure you have the requested authorizations and a SAP Development key in order to implement this SAP Report) • Go to SE38, and create a new program with ZDTP_MASSDOWNLOAD. • Open the source code Mass Download 1.X.X.txt and copy/paste it into the SE38 program.

• Activate the program. Check if it is free of error.

It is ready to be executed. Launching the SAP ABAP Mass Download This program allows you mass download not only ABAP sources but also: • Tables, Structures and Tables Types: that can be find in SE11 for SAP DDIC Elements that you want to download locally. SAP Mass Download Extra parameters You can set extra parameters for the SAP Mass Download Programs. For examples: • Setting the language to retrieve text and messages • Filtering by Packages • Downloading only Custom objects • Filtering on SAP Objects modified by a specific user • SAP Mass Download ABAP Code source To download the program, check this Just unzip the Mass Download file and go to Mass Download 1.X.X.txt.

Conclusion If you are working for different SAP project, this SAP ABAP Mass Download report is very useful in order to reuse what you have already done and avoid loosing a lot of time downloading the ABAP Source Code individually file by file.

REPORT ZPOPUP_REPLACE. DATA: ld_filename TYPE string, ld_path TYPE string, ld_fullpath TYPE string, ld_result TYPE i. Types: begin of t_datatab, row(500) type c, end of t_datatab. Data: it_datatab type STANDARD TABLE OF t_datatab, wa_datatab like line of it_datatab. Wa_datatab-row = 'sdsds'.

Append wa_datatab to it_datatab. * Display save dialog window CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog EXPORTING * window_title = ' ' DEFAULT_EXTENSION = 'XLS' default_file_name = 'accountsdata' INITIAL_DIRECTORY = 'c: temp ' CHANGING filename = ld_filename path = ld_path fullpath = ld_fullpath user_action = ld_result. * Check user did not cancel request CHECK ld_result EQ '0'. CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING filename = ld_fullpath filetype = 'ASC' * APPEND = 'X' write_field_separator = 'X' * CONFIRM_OVERWRITE = 'X' TABLES data_tab = it_datatab[] 'need to declare and populate EXCEPTIONS file_open_error = 1 file_write_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. Program 2 - (Replace or Append data to existing file) This file download program uses older techniques but achieves a perfectly acceptable solution which also allows the user to append data to an existing file.

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REPORT ZPOPUP_APPEND. * Internal table to store export data DATA: begin of it_excelfile occurs 0, row(500) type c, end of it_excelfile. DATA: rc TYPE sy-ucomm, ld_answer TYPE c, ld_filename type string. PARAMETERS: p_file like rlgrap-filename default 'C: TEST'. It_excelfile-row = 'sdsds'.

Append it_excelfile. CALL FUNCTION 'WS_QUERY' EXPORTING query = 'FE' 'File Exist? Filename = p_file IMPORTING return = rc. Ld_filename = p_file. 'If File alread exists CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM' EXPORTING * TITLEBAR = ' ' * DIAGNOSE_OBJECT = ' ' text_question = 'File Already exists!!'


Text_button_1 = 'Replace' * ICON_BUTTON_1 = ' ' text_button_2 = 'New name' * ICON_BUTTON_2 = ' ' * DEFAULT_BUTTON = '1' * DISPLAY_CANCEL_BUTTON = 'X' * USERDEFINED_F1_HELP = ' ' * START_COLUMN = 25 * START_ROW = 6 * POPUP_TYPE = IMPORTING answer = ld_answer * TABLES * PARAMETER = EXCEPTIONS text_not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. * Option 1: Overwrite ********************* IF ld_answer EQ '1'.